home  TINAZZI V. - Cleaning service

The cleaning of hot runner, extrusion head, spinnerettes and nozzles...From any type of plastics!

how it works
contact us


Our office and fiscal address :

Via Venezia, nr 80
EN 30037 Scorze '
Venice, Italy
VAT IT03084340276 Reg.Imp. VE61704/1998

Our operational headquarters (where the materials need to delivered):
Via Cornara, 2N - Industrial Zone - at Ciegi Automation
EN 35010 Massanzago
Padova, Italy
Always indicate the phone: 338 6794628

Our numbers :

Tel: +39  338 6794628   Fax: +39 041 446843

Tel:+390422495115   Fax: +39 0422 797638

Please email:     

info@hotrunner.it ,



Deliveries and returns via courier vs agreement.





© TINAZZI V.    1996

P.IVA  IT 0384340276